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Visual Artist – Creativity Coach – Change Agent 
Expressive Arts Teacher – Art Therapist

Art at the Boundary of the Unknown
Art from the Light Dimension
Lightscapes & Dreamscapes
Hybrid & Transdiciplinary Art

Painting / Mixed Media / Digital Art
Rituals & Performance/ Expressive Body
Creative Writing
Phenomenology & Mindfulness
Professional Expressive Arts Training
Online & Live @ ArtLab Ibiza

Artistic & Creative Mentoring
Artistic Projects & Conscious Creativity
Innovation & Processes of Change
Art Therapy
Online & Live @ ArtLab Ibiza

Roseline de Thélin is an interdisciplinary visual artist, creativity coach, expressive arts teacher and art therapist committed to share her experience in artistic investigation, consciousness shift, innovation and the processes of change.

Since the dawn of our civilisation we have engaged in art infused rituals to celebrate the cycles of life, conjure healing and pray the gods. Art is a mirror of our culture and our consciousness; a place where we can push our boundaries ever further. Art making and artistic expression is our human way to tell the story of our relationship with the world. 

Bewitched by the mystery of light traveling from the far end of the universe carrying information from other worlds, the phenomenon of light and its close relationship to time emerged as a continuous thread in my artistic inquiry since many years.

Inspired by the mysteries of the universe, subtle and parallel realities, archetypes and the collective unconscious, the interplay of light and shadow, I keep exploring bridges between art, imagination, science, philosophy, perceptions and the evolution of consciousness.

Artistic wonder is my guide. I believe wonder is the source of evolution and innovation. I am an artist explorer led by curiosity to experiment with a myriad of artistic media. From painting to sculpture, from hands-on to digital, from visual art to performance, I combine materials such as light, mirrors, quartz crystals, painting, collage, found and ritualistic objects, photography and video to create art that reflects my inner and outer search.

I am passionate on how all modalities of artistic expression can support the expansion of self-awareness and innovation. Over the last 20 years I have gathered extensive knowledge and experience in interdisciplinary art; in personal and transpersonal psychology, in Jungian symbols and archetypes; as well as in embodied mindfulness. Being also trained as an Art Therapist, Creativity Coach and Expressive Arts Teacher, I now put my experience into service and inspire others to find their unique creative paths and become the creators of their own lives. 

As a teacher and guide I have developed my own multifaceted approach to healing and creativity that is enriched with a mystical and holistic depth. My approach focuses on how creative expression can shift perceptions, change behaviours and help integrate new insights.

I bridge my own artistic research with teaching hands-on art workshops and guiding individuals towards the most creative version of themselves. I use artistic expression to foster conscious creativity, self-discovery, personal healing, expansion of self, change and innovation.

Roseline is known for her innovative light sculptures and installations which combine light sculpting and 3D modelling with fibre optic – a symbol of the endless possibilities carried by photons. The subject of Light has been central in her artistic and philosophical inquiry. Roseline’s work plays with illusion and perceptions combining a diversity of digital and hands-on media and has been exhibited internationally.

Roseline anchors her experience with the creative process in solid psychotherapeutic foundations. She has a MA in Expressive Arts and Psychology and is a certified Humanist Gestalt Art Therapist as well as a certified Expressive Arts Teacher. She specialises in the use of the arts in therapy, coaching, pedagogy and social change. 

She has extensive experience in visual arts (painting, drawing, collage, sculpture), expressive movements and embodied mindfulness, improvisation and drama therapy, breath work and bio-energetic body work, which she integrates with her knowledge of Jungian symbols and archetypes, character analysis, systemic constellations and trans-personal psychology.

Roseline has received direct teaching from great contemporary masters such as Paolo Knill, Stanislav Grof, Martin Kalff, Javier Melguizo, Svagito Liebermeister and Thomas Hübl. She embodies and shares the potentials of artistic expression to reinvent ourselves and our life towards an open future.

Art & Consciousness in Action

When we activate the genius of our innate creativity we can apply it to every area of our life.

Parallel to her personal artistic inquiry, Roseline teaches a program of expressive arts workshops and offers individual sessions of creative coaching and art therapy,  online and at her art studio in Ibiza Spain.

Learn more about Roseline’s conscious creativity program:


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