In this 5 days live workshop participants will learn how to use a range of hands-on/live/analogue artistic modalities as raw materials for digital art making.
The workshop bridges and weaves live painting, collage, mask making, creative writing, sound/voice and performance together with photography, video and a range of digital tools to create multi media artworks. Learning a choice of apps on their smart phones & tablets (IOS & Androids) participants will experience the use of digital tools to witness, observe and expand their creative process, as well as creating original digital artworks. Participants will also review how to simply present and diffuse their artworks digitally.
In this process you will learn how to:
- Weave analogue, embodied and hands-on art making with digital creation
- Use digital tools for creative play and exploration
- Use digital tools to analyse aesthetic composition, try out possibilities and shift perspective
- Transfer back and forth between hands-on and digital creation to deepen, nourish and expand your creative process
- Build up and shape layers in digital collages and videos collages
- Embrace glitch, chance and randomness to tap into unexpected sources of inspiration and develop a new visual language
- Surrender to the shaping process of your creation, dialogue with your emerging work and experience creative synchronicity
- Turn your inner critic and other inner voices into constructive support
- Deepen your phenomenological observation of the surface of your artworks and your experiential process
- Use creative writing and the awareness/phenomenology of your experience to reflect on your artistic process
- Present your artworks using digital tools
- Harvest meaningful insights from your journey and transfer them into the context of your life
- Benefit from the creative dynamic of the group
This workshop takes place in my art studio with a group of 6 participants only. Each participant has a working area with a table, easel and floor space to create inside the studio plus outdoor space when weather permit. The program is aimed for adults interested in expressive contemporary art making and is designed to be inspiring for skilled and aspiring artists. Through this journey you will receive my personal support to extend your creative/artistic potentials as well as the support of my digital assistant artist Mischa Fulljames.
All basic art materials are provided, a functioning up to date smartphone or tablet with a minimum of available memory space will be needed. Previous to the workshop you will receive a list of apps to download. Participants must be ready to engage in a creative process that will weave both hands-on analogue art practices with digital creation.