The world population is growing exponentially, our sustainability is endangered, and the ecological damages of our civilization are becoming more and more alarming. The computerized management of data and the World Wide Web have transformed our communication and entire organization in the last 30 years. The development of artificial intelligence, block chains, nanotech, genetics, intricately combined with the use of computerized data and algorithms are pushing us towards the brink of further and faster structural and societal changes.
The speed is exhilarating yet utterly scary and stressful for us to keep up with. Globalization, isolation, connections, disconnections, and interconnectedness are pulling us together and apart in this spiral of changes.
As we try to maximize control, results and efficiency, the level of complexity, incertitude and unpredictability is increasing as fast as the speed of change. As if the more we are trying to control the world, the more our own creations might get out of control!
How can we adapt to these exponential changes?
Is creativity an answer?
Creativity is on everybody’s lips nowadays. We need creativity in business, creativity at school, creativity in our lives. Yet when I look at the world we humans have created I feel creativity is both our gift and our curse. Can we keep using our human creative gift to endlessly produce more ideas, products, and “stuff” to consume, regardless of consequences?